Agile Software Waterfall
Agile vs. Waterfall: Choosing the right workflow for your team
7 min read

Effective project management is critical in today’s business environment for fulfilling customer expectations and creating high-quality solutions.


Both the popular waterfall and agile project management systems have benefits and drawbacks. As a project manager, it is your responsibility to determine the best course of action given the demands of your team and the particulars of the project.


Regardless of the strategy you choose, flexibility is crucial for adapting to changing work environments.


This blog will look at the advantages and disadvantages of waterfall and agile project management, as well as what each has to offer in terms of delivering successful outcomes.

Agile Methodology

Definition of “agile” and “Agile methodology”

Agile can be defined as the ability to create and respond to change: a mindset and set of values that prioritize flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. It thrives in uncertain environments where projects evolve and requirements shift.


Agile methodology is a set of frameworks and practices that translate the agile mindset into concrete project management strategies.


Briefly overview about how Agile was born, we have the Agile Manifesto in 2001. In February 2001, 17 influential figures in software development met to discuss solutions. Recognizing the need for an alternative, they drafted the Agile Manifesto.

This document outlined 4 values and 12 principles emphasizing individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan.

Principles of Agile

  • Iteration: Breaking work down into short, focused cycles (sprints) to deliver value quickly and learn from feedback.
  • Collaboration: Fostering close communication and teamwork between developers, stakeholders, and customers.
  • Reflection: Regularly evaluating progress and adapting plans based on new information and learnings.
  • Continuous Improvement: Always striving to improve processes, tools, and communication to become more efficient and effective.

Top 3 most well-known Agile methodologies

The agile landscape is vast, offering a plethora of methodologies to choose from. While the ideal choice depends on your specific needs and context, here are four of the most well-known and widely adopted agile methodologies:

  1. Scrum:

Scrum is an agile project management framework that provides a structured yet flexible approach to software development and project management. It is widely used in various industries to enhance collaboration, adaptability, and overall efficiency in delivering complex projects. Developed by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, Scrum emphasizes iterative and incremental progress, allowing teams to respond to changes quickly.


  • Highly structured: Employs short 2-4 week sprints, daily stand-up meetings, and specific roles like Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team.
  • Emphasizes transparency and visibility: Uses tools like task boards to track progress and facilitate communication.
  • Ideal for: Smaller teams working on well-defined projects with stable requirements.
scrum agile
  1. Kanban:

Kanban is a visual management method for optimizing work processes, originally developed in the manufacturing sector but widely adopted in software development and project management. The word “Kanban” comes from Japanese and means “visual signal” or “card.” The method emphasizes continuous delivery and the reduction of work in progress (WIP) to improve efficiency. 


  • Highly flexible: Employs a visual board with work items represented by cards moving through different stages (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done).
  • Focuses on continuous flow and limiting work in progress (WIP).
  • Ideal for: Teams of any size, especially those with dynamic, evolving requirements or unpredictable workloads.
kanban agile
  1. Lean:

Lean is a management philosophy and set of principles that originated in manufacturing but has since been applied to various industries, including software development, healthcare, and services. The term “lean” was popularized by the book “The Machine That Changed the World,” which documented the successes of the Toyota Production System (TPS). Lean thinking focuses on maximizing customer value while minimizing waste, and it is characterized by a set of principles and practices designed to achieve efficiency and continuous improvement. 


  • Rooted in lean manufacturing principles: Focuses on maximizing value while minimizing waste in all aspects of the development process.
  • Promotes continuous improvement: Encourages experimentation, rapid learning, and iterative refinement of processes.
  • Ideal for: Teams seeking to optimize efficiency and deliver value quickly and effectively.
lean agile

Waterfall Methodology


The Waterfall model is a traditional and linear approach to software development and project management. In this method, the project is divided into sequential phases, and each phase must be completed before moving on to the next. The progression through these phases resembles a waterfall, where progress flows in one direction.

5 phases of Waterfall development

Phase 1: Requirements Gathering and Analysis

This phase involves identifying and documenting all project requirements, including functionalities, features, and user needs. Stakeholders, analysts, and developers collaborate to ensure a clear understanding of the project’s objectives.


Phase 2: System Design

Based on the gathered requirements, this phase focuses on designing the overall system architecture and components. Technical specifications, interfaces, and data models are defined in detail.


Phase 3: Implementation

Developers translate the system design into actual code, building and testing individual components according to the specifications. Unit testing and integration testing are crucial during this phase.


Phase 4: Testing and Verification

This phase involves rigorous testing of the entire system to ensure it meets all requirements and functions as intended. System testing, user acceptance testing, and performance testing are common practices.


Phase 5: Maintenance and Deployment

Once the system is tested and approved, it’s deployed to the production environment for users. This phase also involves ongoing maintenance and bug fixes to address any issues that arise.

Differentiate between Agile and Waterfall

Let’s have a look at our summary table below:





Flexible and adaptable: Iterative development cycles allow for quick changes and adjustments based on feedback.

Fast feedback loops: Frequent releases and testing enable early identification and correction of issues.

Team collaboration: Focuses on close communication and collaboration between developers, stakeholders, and end-users.

Better suited for projects with uncertain requirements or rapidly changing environments.

Structured and predictable: Clear phases and deliverables make it easy to track progress and manage complex projects.

Comprehensive documentation: Detailed documentation reduces ambiguity and ensures consistency.

Suitable for projects with well-defined requirements and stable environments.


Requires a high degree of discipline and self-organization.

Difficult to manage large, complex projects.

Documentation may be less comprehensive.

Can be challenging to track progress and meet deadlines.

Inflexible and slow to adapt to changes.

Limited feedback loops: Issues might not be identified until later stages, leading to costly rework.

Less emphasis on team collaboration and end-user involvement.

Can be demotivating for developers due to rigid structure.

Who uses

smaller, more dynamic projects

requires a self-organizing and adaptable team

thrives on active client involvement and feedback

Control is distributed among the team, allowing for decentralized decision-making.

Changes can be implemented quickly.

require more flexibility in timelines and budgets

large, complex projects with well-defined requirements

required more structured and disciplined approach

requires less frequent client involvement and feedback

Centralized control with a project manager making key decisions.

Changes may require formal approval and can be time-consuming.

provides more predictable timelines and budgets


Iterative and incremental approach.

Work is divided into small, manageable iterations or sprints.

Sequential and linear approach.

Divided into distinct phases: Requirements, Design, Implementation, Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance.

Each phase must be completed before moving on to the next.

Time and Speed

Delivers increments of the product regularly, potentially allowing for faster time-to-market.

Frequent releases keep stakeholders engaged.

Longer delivery time as the entire project must be completed before release.

Stakeholders may need to wait until the end to see a tangible product.


Identifies and addresses risks continuously throughout the project.

Risk management is integrated into the development process.

Risk assessment typically occurs at the beginning of the project.

Limited ability to adapt to unforeseen risks during later stages.


In conclusion, the choice between Agile and Waterfall methodologies for your software development team is a critical decision that can significantly impact project success. Both approaches have their merits, and the right choice depends on various factors such as project complexity, flexibility requirements, and the nature of the development team.


Agile, with its iterative and collaborative nature, is well-suited for projects with evolving requirements and a need for constant adaptation. It fosters flexibility, promotes customer involvement throughout the process, and allows for rapid adjustments based on feedback. However, its success relies heavily on effective communication and a team culture that embraces change.


On the other hand, Waterfall provides a structured and sequential process that can be advantageous for projects with well-defined and stable requirements. It emphasizes thorough planning and documentation, making it suitable for projects where changes are expected to be minimal once the development process begins. However, its inflexibility in the face of changing requirements and limited customer involvement can be potential drawbacks.


Ultimately, the decision between Agile and Waterfall should be made with a deep understanding of the project’s unique characteristics, the team’s working style, and the expectations of stakeholders. Some projects may benefit from a hybrid approach that combines elements of both methodologies, allowing for a tailored workflow that aligns with specific project needs.

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